Before I schedule a repeat of last nights’ white metal casting class for Midnight Makers class I wanted to guage interest and make sure I would have enough people to attend. How many are interested in attending and which night would be best?
i’d definetly go.wanted to go last night, but got off work late. Wednesday or Monday night
I would be interested, but I will be out of town middle of the month and I have a show on the last weekend of the month
Was looking to schedule it sometime in the last two weeks of April.
Go Midnight Makers … aaaaaawwwwwwoooo!
just not the last Thur thru Sun of the mon, and Wed of that week is iffy for me
Are there more than just two that would attend?
I’d be interested…
Thanks! I’m probably going to wait an extra month or so before doing this class again so that I can make some extra materials. It will come off a little more advanced.
I’d like to take this class. I want to be able to use 3D printed parts to make the molds for the metal casting, even if it’s pewter or tin. I’d do maybe a Friday midnight class or weekend. Weekdays are a little tougher with the new job.
Pewter/ tin is the easiest to cast but you can cast in zinc that melts at 787 degrees F and is a little weaker than aluminum. It melts at a low enough temperature that you can melt it in a electric lead pot indoors. It’s used pretty commonly for hardware and metal casings like water pump housings and electric motor boxes. It would be good for cheap gears, etc., as long as it isn’t exposed to much weather. Zinc will oxidize easily and is used as a sacrificial anode to keep steel from rusting. Next incarnation of the class I’m hoping to include some lost wax casting.
I’m stealing that midnight makers image …
That’s what it’s for, we could definitely use more midnight classes.
You aren’t stealing - was created for Midnight Makers to self-Identify. I have several versions.