Midnight Makers - Finish the Mendel90 Project Meetup
Next Friday 1/15 from 11pm-4am
We will finally getting the Mendel90 that was started in my class “How to build a RepRap 3D printer”, to print. I will try to go through the Marlin configuration, troubleshooting issues, and calibration for printing.
If you have built a 3D printer and have some experience, it would be greatly appreciated.
@hasbridge @thetazzbot
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I might be able to drop by. I have not built a mendel90 but have a little experience with my rostock max v2.
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I’ll be there, and I’ll bring my box of random printer parts in case we need anything.
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Sweet! I will bring my bins of spare parts too. Maybe we will have time for
upgrades too.
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Will try and make it Mitch, always good to practice on leveling beds and upgrading.
Thanks. There is a dial indicator we can use for leveling, maybe make a temp mount for it where the extruder is connected. That would help.
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