Midnight Makers Class

I’m thinking about having a midnight makers training classes for the 3D printers and laser cutters. I want to gauge interest. I know we have a pretty active overnight group at the 'space and I want to accommodate the night owls.



I like the idea and the name: “The Midnight Makers”… sounds like something out of a Stephen King steampunk novel.

JAG “Technomancer Guild - Shadow Chapter” MAN


From the dark depths of the interactive classroom, sprung the pale ghost-like figure whispering the haunting words “kissslicerrr”…


I am game. I know the intention would be one class then the other at a different day… But I would also be down with both back-to-back.


This is exactly what I’ve been hoping for. I’ve worked nights for over twenty years and have a hard time making to some of the training due to the times they happen.


I could schedule a class the same Saturday again at midnight since I’ll still be there. I need at least 3 people to show up so the class is worth it. I’ll put the 3D printer class on the calendar and see how it goes (whether I get honorarium or not). So 8/16 at 12:30am sound good?

I won’t teach the laser cutter class until I’m a little more comfortable with the procedures because I don’t know laser maintenance yet.


Awesome. 0000 or 0030 works for me. Thanks


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I have submitted the event: Midnight Makers: 3D Printer Training 8/16 from 12:30-1:00am.

"Come to our first certification class for night owls. Learn how to use PolyPrinter 3D printers in 3D fab.

No prerequisites required and free to members and non-members (non-members make sure you are accompanied by a member and sign the waiver in the front.)"


Any chance a class will be scheduled during a week night? I should’ve mentioned my late night schedule excludes me from weekends. As a bartender, I haven’t had more than a few free weekends over the years.

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I can give you a one on one lesson, just PM me when you’ll be available, I’m usually there on weeknights. I guess we’ll see how many people show up to this class, I only scheduled one so it might be subject to change.

I can teach a midnight laser.


I can teach a midnight laser.

“Upon A Midnight Laser” (stanza 1 - continued below)

Once upon a midnight laser, while I focused a beam to razor,
Over many a wavelength invisible through glass tube at milliTorr,
While I clicked, nearly zapping, suddenly there came a rapping
As of some one gently tapping, and taping on the Lasersaur.

“’Tis some member,” I muttered, “taping on the Lasersaur—
A naughty message and nothing more.”

JAG “Click LIKE to Continue” MAN


I like the idea… although not sure I will get as much out of it as would have in my younger years…

That would be awesome. We don’t have laser classes it seems.

“Upon A Midnight Laser” (continued stanza 2)

Oh, sharply I remember it was in the dark November;
And each flying, burning ember flew as acrylic was scored.
Sincerely I wished for silence; - in vain I hoped to find
In the cutting of thermoplastic lined with quiet violence - silence from the echoes of my mind-
Echoes of the void which the demons align-

A void cut by Computer Aided Design.

JAG “Down the Rabbit Hole” MAN


This is exactly what I need. I’ll try to make it to both 3D printing and laser.

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Underrated post right here.

That was awesome… :joy:


I am interested in this class. Is it still going on? I may not be able to make the one that was scheduled earlier.

“Upon A Midnight Laser” (continued stanza 3)

And the mechanic, clanking, whir of each stepper motor
Chilled me- filled me with icy detachment from my emotional shore;
So that now, to firm the planting of my feet, I started chanting
“Tis some contrivance seeking entry to my kernel core-
Some viral malfeasance at my firewall door;-
This it is and nothing more.”

JAG “CyberRaven Rising” MAN