So I figured that I would post that the Metal Shop Horizontal bandsaw has a new blade on it. My self & Jim put the blade on last night & ran it. We did not cut anything but it should be operational.
Also if you looked around, You might notice that we have a foot pedal now for the Miller TIG. I put that on last night. I did not have time to test it at the time. We still do not have Argon currently. I have called in to have the bottles replenished. They did not think that they could get them replace until about Thursday. I apologize for that delay as its out of our hands.
Also as a Reminder, You should be wearing appropriate eye protection while in the Metal Shop. The only exception is during tours. I have been told that there have been multiple members that have blatantly disregarded this rule. We can not tolerate this activity. Safety is in your hands, You need to be accountable for your eye safety. Yes it is a Makerspace, But that doesn’t mean we should not take eye protection seriously.
Please save your eyes, you only have two. Remind others if you see them without to put them on.
It’s not just Impact, it’s also the Z87 requirement for the background UV from people welding or plasma cutting.
You should be using full safety glasses since they have this as an option. It also has sides. If your poly lenses have a z87 lense (check with your provider), you can get the side shields to account for things like fragments.
Additional notes: other progress is that the new-old large oven is working. It’s training required but we powder coated a lot of stuff in it tonight. I dropped in another Shop Vac that stays near the chop saw and grinders. Please use it and clean up. We’re trying to keep the place clean.
Thanks! Just wanted to clarify and appreciate it. When I was troubleshooting the Plasma Cam recently I didn’t bother, my bad. I sometimes also wear a filter mask, the air quality in that room is not great.