Here is the metal shops minutes for the voting we did. We hade more discussion but we only voted two separate items.
In attendance:
Malcolm Galland
Richard Bauman
Chuck Graf
Daniel Hawn
Austin Smith
Brad sims
Bill Adams
Andrew Spencer
David Shannon
Jim Hartnett
Tim Bene
Formally voted on Jim for chair
All in favor. No objections
We voted on hot process (welder/plasma) age, which was a unanimous change from the previous 18+ unless special permission is required, to the 16/17 with parent and special permission for anyone younger than that with parent.
Is the parent required to be trained on the tool, or just be physically present and supervising?
EDIT: I put the following statement on your committee wiki page. Let me know if it’s inaccurate.
Minimum age to use hot process tools (welder/plasma) is 16/17 and requires full-time supervision of a parent who has been trained on that tool. Special committee chair permission and full-time trained-parent supervision is required for anyone younger than 16.
Minimum age to use hot process tools (welder/plasma) is 16 years old ‘’‘and’‘’ requires full-time supervision by a parent who has been trained on that tool. Special permission from the current Metal Shop chair ‘’‘and’‘’ full-time supervision by a parent who is trained on that tool is required for anyone younger than 16 years.
The “16/17” bit made no sense to me. Maybe I am missing the point, but it seems to me we must pick one 16 or 17.
The other stuff is just to be a grammarian jerk (and because I like it when terminology matches throughout a document).
That’s a fine reason, but does not accomplish the stated goal, in my opinion. Instead it makes it confusing if we mean 16 years old is the minimum age, or 17. I’ll keep my grimey opinions out of any further adjustments. The “undo” button is very nearby…