Metal Shop Closed?

I was up at the 'Space today (Friday 3/27) and noticed a sign on the door of the Metal Shop saying that it was closed until Monday. I was in there on Thursday (mainly just looking to see where everything was now as I hadn’t been up there in a while and was thinking of starting a smithing project soon), and everything seemed okay.

Was there some kind of mishap or something to cause the closure? I’m mainly just asking out of curiousity, as I don’t recall hearing about an entire section of the Space getting shut down like that before. Anything happen (or break) that we need to be aware of?

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Cleaning and reorganization

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You can go in there if you need a tool or something out of there. We’re redoing the layout and the metal racks and metal storage and installing the safety signage. Should be back open by the end of this weekend.



Glad to hear it’s not due to anything horrible. Thanks for the info.

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Several extremely dedicated makers including Ed have been performing a complete clean organize and overhaul.

<snark>I'm putting out the trash... the warehouse is now closed for the weekend</snark>

Is CLOSING the metal shop for the entire weekend really needed, or is the metal shop group just trying to make a point about the (mis)use and lack of cleaning?

@dougemes Thanks for the kind words. We’re really lucky to have Ed and the other guys spending so much of their free time to put all of this work into the metal shop. It’s looking fantastic. I know Ed’s been pulling all-nighters just to get this done. It’s a thankless job and the results are really great. I can’t overstate the amount of hard work that’s gone into this.

@StanSimmons I’ll be at the space Sunday and we can talk about this personally if you’d like.


  • D

@Danny Sure, I’d be happy to discuss it with you. I was just semi-humorously trying to make a point.