Hi. My name is Gerard, kind of new to DMS machine shop. I’ve taken BridgePort and Hass classes but now my need is to cut a nipple in a 5/8 inch dia short length axel.
Was wondering if someone might be at the space today or this weekend that might help get me started on the lathe so I can cut these?
Sorry for the short incomplete description. I will try a post pic later.
There is no thread, just a keyed axel for a sprocket. Need to cut a 1/4 in long nipple down to 3/8 so it slides into socket end to be welded. It will mate the rod to motor.
Turning the round section on the lathe should be easy.
For the key, woodruff, or square stock? I don’t remember seeing any woodruff key cutters, but should be able to cut a key way for square key stock on the Bridgeport with an end mill.
I was thinking of a pipe nipple. This will be pretty simple. I’ll be at DMS all morning tomorrow, though I’ll be busy for most of it. It won’t take long if you just need a quick overview.