Metal (Hardware) Chess Set

Who’s the guy that made the bitchin’ coatracks & kickass Christmas tree? This reminded me of that stuff…may be too dinky for him, though:


That’s pretty cool

Oh is that what that was? There was a huge metal sculpture in automotive for the longest time but never knew it was a Christmas tree. I guess I can kinda see it now with what I remember of it.

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I think we could go big and half a parking lot chess set. But down in the big open lot at the south end of the building.

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For something like our Open House event or the picnic this would be Uber-cool

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Go bigger and have the chess pieces fight to the death like in Harry Potter.

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I don’t do robots. But the maybe-happening-robotics-SIG could do that. That would probably be a fun fundraiser to sell “making a chess move” opportunities.

Isn’t this the same as @draco 's dream has come true?


Maybe, maybe. His dream is one shared by all.

But…not ALL of his dreams, right? RIGht!!!