Metal Class for Committee Chairs

In the spirit of what Nick started, I feel like there should be a metal class for committee chairs.

Which of the following do @Committee_Chairs want to see as a free class offered to them first.


  • Dynatorch (CNC Plasma)
  • Welding
  • Powder Coating
  • Operation of the Pan/brake, shear, slip roller
  • a general “metal 101” which, whilst the class doesn’t exist yet, we could touch base on the surface of a lot of these items instead of going into detail on a specific one.

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Plasma classes have been in abundant supply on the calendar. Welding classes are far between.

true, however with the new torch there has been a large influx so it’s an option. But at the same time it’s what the chairs have been wanting to learn, not necessarily which class is in the shortest supply.
I don’t intend this to be the only chairs class ever offered. Additionally, when it comes to welding we can’t fit all the chairs in one class anyway due to the simple logistics of the welding area so they’d need to be spread out anyway.

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