I saw @AndrewLeCody’s post about which members can run for office. I believe we both agree on this rule.
Section 2.1 Board of Directors
2.1.1. The Board shall consist of five (5) elected persons who are members in good standing and of the age of majority in the state of Texas, with no limit to the number of appointed advisers.
I find this section, Article 4 - Members unclear on who is eligible to run for office. MakerSpace has 2 classifications of members. Supporting, and Regular. Section 2 above does not specify which class of member is eligible to hold a board position.
here is the full, relevant portion of Article 4: Article 4 - Members
Section 4.1 Determination of Membership
4.1.1 The corporation shall initially have only supporting and regular member classes.
Supporting members are not permitted to vote or otherwise influence the decision making process of the corporation.
4.1.2 No member shall hold more than one membership in the corporation.
Section 4.2 Eligibility of Membership
Membership shall be open to any natural person not suspended or expelled from the corporation under the terms of these Bylaws, or otherwise disqualified by the terms of these Bylaws.
Section 4.3 Admission of Members 4.3.1 An applicant shall be admitted as a supporting member so long as their dues are paid in full.
4.3.2 An applicant shall only be admitted or renewed as a regular member after their membership application is approved by the appropriate policies as defined in the Standing Rules.
4.3.3 A supporting member will be subject to policies set forth by the Board of Directors.
Section 2.1 Board of Directors
The Board shall consist of five (5) elected persons who are members in good standing and of the age of majority in the state of Texas, with no limit to the number of appointed advisers.
Explanation: Board members must be “members in good standing”.
Section 4.1 Determination of Membership
An applicant shall only be admitted or renewed as a regular member after their membership application is approved by the appropriate policies as defined in the Standing Rules.
Explanation: To be a “regular member” (voting member), you have to have a membership application approved via the policies defined in the Standing Rules.
Standing Rules:
All members start off as Supporting Members, with no voting rights.
A Supporting Member may submit an application to become a Regular Member only after 90 days of membership.
A member’s application to change from Supporting Member to Regular Member will be approved automatically upon processing via the ticketing system.
Members added via the Family rate will not be allowed voting rights.
Explanation: Everyone starts off as a “Supporting Member” (non-voting). A member can become a “Regular Member” (voting) by applying via the ticketing system. Family members ($10/mo) will not be approved as “Regular Members” (voting).
Section 4.5 Membership Rights and Privileges
Any regular member whose dues are paid in full, is not on probation, is not a supporting member, and who has not resigned, been suspended or has not been expelled shall be considered a member in good standing.
Explanation: To be a “member in good standing”, you must be current on your dues, not been suspended/expelled and must be a “Regular Member” (voting).
Excellent reference @AndrewLeCody
4.5.1 is on point.
“Any regular member whose dues are paid in full, is not on probation, is not a supporting member, and who has not resigned, been suspended or has not been expelled shall be considered a member in good standing. Only members in good standing shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of full membership.”
What I was missing was the Standing Rules, which determine a “Regular members” time requirement.
The case with Shona was before the Standing Rules were established.
I think this eliminates supporting members from being on the board -
4.1.1 The corporation shall initially have only supporting and regular member classes.
Supporting members are not permitted to vote or otherwise influence the decision making process of the corporation.
The board does “influence the decision making process of the corporation.”
Family members are classified as Supporting members.
If someone at Space as a family member would like to run for the board and help our community, they would have to switch to being a full paying member. Then, having been a Supporting member for 90+ days, they would be eligible to be a Regular member on request and eligible to be a candidate.
Their Significant other could then switch from Regular member to Supporting member.
Swapping from family to supporting to regular does not seem excluded in our bylaws or standing rules.
The limiting factor seems to be if that person is of legal age. For example my oldest son is 17 and if we swapped places he would not be of age by the time of our election.