Members count. So should their proxies

Members count. So should their proxies.

Proxies are gathered via traditional politicking. Campaigning. Pressing the flesh. Engaging people. meeting them. Listening. Preaching. Convincing, or being convinced. Being Present. Caring.

The upside is huge. SO MANY MORE PEOPLE are engaged and educated!

I lost a run for 3D Fab chair once due to not campaigning. @axeonos did campaign, and beat me readily. Yet she and I worked together to address many of the concerns I had at the time about 3D fab, and the committee was better for us working together.

I recently won an election because I did campaign. Passionately. I learned much from talking to over 200 people. I did not get all of their support. Even some of my friends didn’t vote for me. I learned, and am still learning, from that. Plus I learned from the many that did vote for me.

After that election, I wrote the following doc on Sept 8th in support of Proxies. The doc gets better towards the end.

proxies count.pdf (70.1 KB)

I cannot imagine how much better 3D Fab will be from the 400+ people that @engpin and @maxk68 engaged. Before, meetings only had 3-7 people. Either way, Jayson has 100+ people that trusted him and will hold him accountable.
(fyi - I feel the same for those that voted for me - and those that did not)

Cheers to those at truly interact with membership when they lead. I hope to live up to that commitment.

  • john

The three big proxy races were Automotive, PR, and 3D.

PR had a total vote of about 185.

3D has a total vote of about 290.

I was not near the automotive race, I think that one was a total of about 200 votes. If I am way off on that one, please correct me.

I am just clarifying vote totals.

Thanks @Diplomat

Part of my point is that though proxies have always been allowed, they have become more popular in the last few years.
This cycle brought more attention to the issue have ever before because of how passionate people were about the committees they wanted to represent.

I do also want to state that it is sadly rare to have more than 2 candidates for a committee chair. And even harder to find a VC.

Cheers to all those that do run, because they all care and are willing to invest a tremendous amount of time and effort to making the Space a better place.

PS. I’ve lost more than one race, and probably that was the right thing that at that time.

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