Member Spotlights and Committee Showcases with Interview Videos

So I have pretty much gotten all the experimentation out of the way in regards to camera and audio settings and would now like to get some volunteers to be video’d and interviewed.

The Video and Audio Production and Post-Production Editing will currently be done by myself, but in the future will be done by Digital Media members wanting to have a small project to work on and get some experience.

What does this entail? Not much…

For Member Spotlights:
The interview will be about 5-10 minutes with the same questions I will ask everyone (will post those later; still thinking) and then you will give your responses on camera.

The theme of the member spotlights will be, “I am a Maker.” The final videos (1-2 minutes long) will have the member’s voice and some low volume music while watching video of what they are working on. The video will end with a nice close up of the member saying, “My name is (first or full name) and I am a Maker.” Then a nice fade to black with the Dallas Makerspace logo and a tagline like, “Come and Make Something.”

For Committee Showcases:
The layout of the video will be slightly longer (3-5 minutes) and will contain various ‘B-Roll’ footage of the current projects being worked on as well as a few different members of the committee speaking about what their committee has been doing or will be doing in the previous and future 6 months. These videos will be updated twice a year.

The Committee videos will be created based mostly (90%+) on members’ video, but the interview will be done by me (Digital Media Members). Then Post-Production editing will utilize the members’ captured video.

Coordination is the key thing missing at the moment. Trying to get the people doing something interesting in the space with someone (me right now) there to film it. I am usually able to be at the space after 5pm on the weekday evenings and weekends with a couple days notice.

Any feedback or ideas regarding this endeavor please feel free to chime in below. I will update this message with additional details like server directories to put your video footage and interview questions etc., so bookmark this for later.


Can we get some video taken on November 1st to showcase logistics committee personal storage build?

Yup… I was planning to be there. Would be nice if others would help in taking some video and photos as well. :wink:

I know that some of the cutting is happening prior to the 1st so… was hoping to know when the machine would be running and I could take some footage of it doing its thing.

I’m up for the interview, and i should have a large router project to cut in the next couple days that I could time lapse for you. I also have some cool time lapse and videos of other things I’ve done around the space.

I’m unavailable on the 1st,. but can shoot most evenings. If we have a real, big project I can also probably bring in a real camera.