Member "skills" and train directory

One of the mini software projects I would like to see is a “skills” directory. Used internally to pay someone to train you or hire for an object to be created. Externally, people could hire for projects, we have had several requests for 3D help and help making signage.

Name: Mary Smith
Skills: 3D, woodshop, fiber arts
Train for Cash: 3D
Make Projects: 3D or woodshop
Contact: “Ask Mary To Contact Me” (button? No direct list of email addresses.)
Professional: Yes/No (Full time in that area.)


  1. Outsiders harvesting contact information. 2. Outsiders sending requests to 500 people.
  2. Have this be an opt-in system only.
  3. It should have a randomizer for requests so that Adam Ardvark is not always first on the contact list. And Zelda Zebra is always last.
  4. Ban vote to lock abusers out of the system.
  5. Limit on the number of people you can contact for help each day.
  6. Keep a list per person of who they have contacted.
  7. Validate user email vs IP.
  8. Opt-out for people who do sign up. Why are you leaving this list?
  9. Match and purge against active membership list. Ex-members get deactivated.

I filled out a skills matrix for my employer last week. Great tool to show who knows what and what skill areas people need training/development.

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If done, we would have to have user agreement that clearly states DMS is not in any way responsible for the delivery, quality, payment, refunds, etc, .etc., etc, etc, etc,etc, etc. of any services.

This could be a very valuable service to our members - but exposure of liability to DMS is a major real consideration. .Six-Sigma cost us $10K because we had the appearance of endorsing/sponsoring that. So this insn’t some theoretical issue.


These are reasonable conditions.

Like the Maker Made Fair, we can be of more service to our members AND keep the good name of DMS out of the mud too.


One stipulation I’d like to see is that “train for cash” gets exactly the same priority on machines as anyone else - i.e, it’s not a schedulable “class” that preempts walk-in users.


Absolutely agree, that would be reserving a tool.

This is a great idea, I’d be happy to participate.

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Just to be sure we cover the subject: Can someone pay for training to be certified to use training-required tools? I help folks with PlasmaCAM but only those that have been previously approved (or at least claim to be approved).

If s person is a designated trainer for a piece of equipment. They can train you out of kindness or for pay.

This is not formal. In other words, there is not a set price for private training. Also, as David said earlier, it cannot be scheduled on the calendar.

If there are other comments, please add them too.


That detail should also probably be captured as part of entry, as in “designated trainer: XYZ tool”