Cheers to Astrud A. and Paul Wilson (@Hardsuit) !
Nicole @uglyknees just said it very well:
"Just wanted to give a hefty thumbs up to Paul and Astrud for a great “how to utilize the lasers in printmaking” class last night. Really fun, very informative, lots of information shared and a solid example/piece at the end. Well formatted and paced class! "
For two years now, Astrud and Paul have been driving Print Making at the Space. They have built a vibrant community of Artists. Artists that work with various aspects of the Space.
In the fabulous Steam Roller Prints (several artists showcased at the MakerSpace), our makers used lasers, CNC Routers, and even hand tools!!! to make these fabulous prints. All under the talented instruction of Astrud and Paul.
Astrud and Paul teach a wide variety of arts and techniques. Complex Fabrics, Letter Press, Block Printing (including carving the blocks), Silk Screen - from Ts to Art Posters. They have donated hundreds of hours. Taught so many classes - many for free when only one student would show for a 3 hour class. They schlep hundreds of pounds of equipment over and over, even after much was damaged, for their unique classes.
This community has become strong, strong enough to be recognized as an official Committee. Kudos to A & P, and to @HoarseHorace for taking the reigns.
I would like to also give a shout to the many artists growing under this tutelage:
@JohnK @heyheymama @Just_Me @FrenchFrog and many more!
Thank you all for making our Space better.
Check out their art on our Hall of Art.