The Exchange shelf has a new location, It is now right across from science
in the workshop, by the paler storage area
The new location is so that laser can expand and it is of benefit
for the shelf, since now it can be accessed from
both sides! No more items pushed to the back, I will be be trying to rearrange it
sometime this week
Two points, the area around it needs to e kept clear of large items
and until there is some work done on it, we need to be careful not so shove things off the back of it
I am going to be the Curmudgeon about Laser expansion. This is not about the Laser Committee expansion, it is about doing the best you can with the space you have allocated to your committee.
Here is what is so. We have the space we have until we have a new building or an annex.
I can look at Laser and see where they over expanded and now need more space from another committee. Two of the desks that were chosen are full size, the same work could have been done with a smaller footprint desk. Instead of coming in working and getting out, that has been the traditional way of using the lasers.
I fully acknowledge what was done looks nice AND now they are getting space from another committee because they do not have enough space because of the design they executed for the space they had.
Again, this is NOT about Laser, it is about staying in the space your committee has been allocated.
Lets use the same logic, Woodworking certainly deserves more space, they attract the most new members. Fired Arts has been doing a great job and they could use a few more square feet. Look at Creative Arts, they do amazing things and they too deserve more square feet. Do you see the issue yet? We have NO more extra square feet. None.
So now, we will start a space war over who “deserves” a few more square feet and who losses a few square feet in the process. Egos unchecked and long knives for the unsuspecting.
I am not looking for a Laser Committee expansion debate. Congratulations on your design execution and expansion. I hope this decongests the Laser Committee area.
You are hearing it now. This is only the beginning. Expansion outside a Committee’s allotted space should be strictly curtailed.
…yet almost your entire post is criticizing decisions made by the laser committee, thus one might feel that this oft-repeated disclaimer is a tad disingenuous.
It may be helpful to point out other areas that have expanded recently.
Working backward from memory:
Laser expanded into Exchange Shelf area
3D Fab has a small footprint area in the workshop for the vacuformer.
Storage has expanded and contracted a few times.
Jewelry has expanded out into the workshop area between itself and Machine Shop.
CA obtained a small footprint area in the workshop for the Screen Printing stuff.
I’m sure there are others, and certainly stuff that is from before my time.
We are what I would call “out of space”. We have times where workshop tables are full, and it’s an optimization question, but I doubt that a ton of hard data exists for optimal utilization.