I see on the tool page that the media blasting cabinet is decommissioned. Is a replacement planned?
Yes it is being replaced with a vapor hone wet media blaster.
Cool. What kind of a timeframe?
I don’t have schedule details, but the minutes from the 1/26 Board meeting should give an idea of what was approved.
Hey Tim, now that I’ve looked at the unit and checked out the dimensions … is there any chance we can get a small stool or step with it?
Yeah that shouldn’t be an issue. Chuck is going to check up on the ETA tomorrow for the blaster.
I know it’s been ordered and the first payment has gone through so likely they are building it so would expect 2-3 weeks.
Any update on this? I haven’t been up to the space in a couple of weeks.
Still getting built but should be getting closer.
Do you guys need any help building it?
Being built at factory. In their manufacturing queue.
Awesome. Thanks for the update.