Media blaster need a DMS makeover

The sand blasting cabinet needs some TLC. The pickup tube is worn out, glass is all fogged up, It needs a bigger Vacuum 4" to clear out the dust while in use, and the sand needs to be replaced. I would all so like to add some LED work lights to the inside as well. We should also get disposable window protectors for the window.

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Can you tell if it’s leaking? In the past, the data from the particle sensors indicated a high particulate level in the metal shop when the [Edit: sand media] blaster was in use. (This may have been fixed).

Please call it media blaster and refer to the material needed as media or something other than sand. We had someone put sand in the cabinet and that is an extreme health hazard. Sand dust is something that your lungs cannot expel and you may end up with permanent lung damage from silicosis.

It’s something that is a major safety issue and some of us are quite uptight about it.


I don’t think the cabinet is leaking… I took the vacuum apart cleaned the filter and emptied out the bucket which helped a little bit to remove the dust cloud in the cabinet while blasting.


Valid point. I know I’m off topic now, but I updated the Tools list on the wiki and also the Metal Shop Tools page to reflect this terminology.


Media blaster Got it!!

That media blaster is being possibly replaced. We are talking about replacing with a water blaster.


That would be a lot better, safer, and cleaner. no more dust!!!

It isn’t glass, it is acrylic (plexiglass) and there are replacements on top of the cabinet in brown paper. If more are needed - I will cut and deliver more.


That’s the plan, to make things cleaner & healthier for everyone in the metal shop


Like so?

that should be an interesting experiment…

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