Discussed old business which included the CNC Lathe, There was discussion on the progress. We were not to concerned since there was no money spent waiting for parts as of yet.
New business
Discussion of the RFID lockouts. We are concerned with the use of non-trained members. The concern it that someone who is un-trained will get themselves caught in the rotating machinery. We discussed a budget of 2k for 4 RFID lockouts to be put in within the next 2 weeks as a goal. Passed unanimously.
Discussion of rules
No Gloves, long sleeves, loose clothing, loose hair on any of the rotating equipment unless it is for maintenance of the equipment. This rule is felt to be extremely import so keep our members safe & can be a banned for not abiding.
Safety glasses are also extremely important.
Discussion of procurement of different tools & to do.
For the new lathe
Boring bar holders, 2 buttons & pilot lights, Collet chuck backplate & chip backplate (build/assemble)
Surface grinder
Magnetic chuck, wheel faceplate/guard (probably could be cad & cut on plasma), surface grinder oil lines.
Look into the power feed & order the parts as needed.
Aluminum saw
Build a chip catcher/guard
Look at finding a good drill bit sharpener.
Build a list for re-ordering most common items at fairly regular intervals.
This includes
Vertical bandsaw
Cold saw
Tim and I got a proof of concept up and running and were able to badge in and badge out. He built the box and all of the high power electronics, and I wrote the software and soldered up a Raspberry Pi.
The main issue we had was it would disconnect to the wifi after a short period of time, and so we’re investigating using an external wifi adapter and/or antenna to see if that improves things. I’m currently waiting on parts for this test.
Love and support for this item!
Will it tie into the AD or will someone have to maintain the list like we do on the haas? Not really and since the haas list is not of those that have taken the class but of unsupervised access. Cheers!
It will tie into the AD, We did this on the new lathe to test it Monday night. It worked as it was supposed to until the wifi signal was lost due to being in the enclosure. We used a couple members badges that were not authorized to use them.
It actually ties into AD using the same API as the kiosk next to the laptops in the common room. It reads the groups of the member, and then sees if it contains the group that we have decided gives the user access. It also checks to see if the member is currently an active member, and then grants power. After that, it polls the current, and if it sees usage, leaves the device active. Badging back a second time logs you out, and leaving the machine off (no current usage seen on the high voltage side) after a configurable time logs the user out as well.
I thought about it, but KISS says make wifi work, and then when it doesn’t you know what’s wrong. If we can’t get network access I’d rather go to weekly CSV exports or something instead.
actually I don’t think so. Like I said, the HAAS list is not who has taken the haas class but rather who is a user that is authorized to use it unsupervised. there is no AD for this. taking the haas3 class does not automatically make you an authorized user.