I want to matte a large price of artwork. I want a simple white matte it is around 2’ x 3’ I was wondering if we had the matte cutter to do this and someone that could help me learn this process.
I, too, would like to learn this process. I would be interested in a class, if available.
Never seen a mat making class, but we do have a quite large mat cutter in CA. Usually stored against the wall to the left of the rack of vinyl.
Are you just looking to create a single layer mat?
There was a matte cutting demonstration from a member at the last Photography SIG meeting. I can’t remember his name at the moment, but he might be at the next SIG meeting on the 5th
We have the mat cutter and blades. It’s pretty easy, just need to learn the quirks of the cutter we have at the space.
would there be someone that would be willing to give me some one-on-one direction? I can be pretty dense and would be really interested in learning. Also, I don’t want to break anything.
Are you here now? … Extra characters
No I am looking at being up there on monday
I gave a demo at the last photography meeting, on my own mat cutter. I’ll be up there tonight and tomorrow and I’ll take a look at the cutter you guys have. I don’t mind giving a demo as its really not difficult at all. You spend more time plotting out your cuts than you do actually cutting.
It’s a standard C&H cutter. Be aware there is a fair amount of play on the cutting block, and the pivot screw that attaches the angled cutting head to the block tends to work itself loose pretty quickly.
I looked over the cutter and have looked up info online about it. I unfortunately cannot be there Monday but will be Tuesday for the Photography meeting