Mask mandate strategy update

The larger droplets that the masks stop become aerosolized droplets as they evaporate and become smaller/lighter. This has been the point of masks from the very beginning.

I’ve spent enough time with maskless idiots during Kroger’s vulnerable customer hours that I no longer give a rat’s ass about the supposed “rights” of the maskless. Selfish assh*les can burn for all I care.


Agreed on the mask-holes. I just don’t care what happens to them any more.

And with all of the detailed mask fitment and filtering talk on this thread, one striking observation remains, after almost two full years into the pandemic: if the ‘average mask’ wasn’t at least nominally effective, we’d be seeing consistent super-spreader events within our air travel infrastructure. And we’re just not seeing that happen. Masks do a hell of a lot of good as-is.


Since most of us go about our daily business outside of ICUs and COVID wards, we’re not facing occupational levels of exposure mandating the likes of Level C+ PPE:

The success of stay-at-home orders, mask mandates, social distancing also seems to be the single greatest rhetorical argument against them.


The people that argue against them by and large weren’t complying, so it’s no wonder they want to keep doing what they have been doing. They don’t wear a mask and then point at the statistics and say, “see, not wearing a mask reduces the numbers!”

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