Mark Havens, care to comment?

I don’t think the phrase “Case Study” means what he thinks it does. “Hey everyone…blah blah blah…I’m an important person in my own opinion…blah blah blah…look, a chart! But be careful because it’s fake copyrighted!..blah blah blah…check out some website…blah blah blah” is NOT a case study.

I’ll also note: it is a real talent, IMO, to be able to talk for that long and still actually say nothing. Not one piece of real information or meaningful insight or logic-based conclusion. Just a bunch of paltering, disingenuousness (possibly not a real word), and slander-by-implication.


Man, the “founder” thing has finally gotten under my skin. Good job, Mark, it took you like 8 years, but you did it.

DMS is a spinoff of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group. The DPRG started the Dallas Makerspace as a SIG to bring in a wider group of people to support a shared workspace, with the ultimate goal of budding DMS off into its own independent entity. Mark was one of those early additions, and volunteered to be the treasurer on the steering committee to establish DMS. I was there too; I put my volunteer hours into a group art project to earn DMS a grant.

When I joined, the “space” was ~20 people meeting weekly at the CCG tournament tables in a game store. We were there because we wanted to cultivate something, together. It’s silly to call any one person the founder of DMS; it’s always been a group project.


Thanks for that link… There was one person I was thinking of voting for, but after seeing him on that website, there’s no way in hell.


I don’t know if it’s the same person but I am right there with you. Damn, I wanted to like this other person too.


Ugh, that about page is nothing but attacking the board. They neglect to mention that people mostly leave due to cost, moving, and other reasons nor that the decline in membership started with the last board after they jacked up the price of membership; neglect to mention that the banned members stole from the space, assaulted other members, or committed fraud. Seriously, their bar is set so low I bet I couldn’t trust them as far as I could throw all 5 of them.


I’ll just leave this here for folks considering voting for Mark.

He filed for a 501c3, fraudulently listed DMS (and other members) on it, and DMS had to file paperwork to get the name off his BS. Mark then filed suit to try and get the membership list from DMS - for what fraud, only he knows.

Do you want that kind of person on the board with access to your personal information?

Why he hasn’t been permanently banned for that fraud, I do not know.


I’ve been asked to allow this thread to go public. I personally have no objections, so if the mods believe it’s appropriate I have no issues with that.


Is there any meaning for the position of the banned members red dot in the y-axis?

The y axis or vertical position has no meaning. See highlighted sentence in screengrab.

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I dont agree, I think the position of the dots spells out a message in Braille or perhaps Morse Code




New World D?


Sarcasm//yes I am sure the mean board is probably not posting meetings because they are performing satanic blood rituals derived from ancient scrolls from the church of the antipope Christian Slater in order to curry favor with Cindy Lauper who is obviously in control of the financial institutions of the world just listen to the lyrics of True Colors. I hear they even have phone calls with the Clintons. Have you discovered the white slavery ring in the basement of DMS yet how else can they keep the finances stable during the COVID hoax.//sarcasm


Good checklist. Will avoid.


I’m so thankful Makerspace is getting back to rolling because Ive miss this level of reality tv…materialized in real life.


It would be funnier if we weren’t busting our ass trying to keep the place safe and running while these members are actively gaslighting the membership against us.

I try to keep perspective by remembering that the vast majority of members are like you, and the other people who have commented here. They are awesome, creative people who care about the space and their fellow members and are willing to contribute to the space for the betterment of the space, not just their own self interest.


I hope you know that the majority of members appreciate the work the board and everyone does…especially right now with the level of hell covid has placed into everyone’s hands. You have my respects, this is no easy boat to sail and I think people know that.

I know this video humorless and insulting to all the work you guys have done. Please know I see it as the slap that it is and, I for one, don’t believe most of it. But I do like the frames/mat ratio behind his head…Nice choice.

But it’s also it’s just strange. Like seriously. The website, the group, Marks dms writeup, links to businesses, the link to a bar…this place has always been such a fun place to be a member. Normal life doesn’t have this level of eye rolling.


If it makes you feel any better, Mark has never been on an elected Board of Directors. The last time he was in leadership, we didn’t have elected leaders.


Best metric in the whole chart:


The bump in income was people joining before the default rate went to $60/month and then immediately started to decline.


Not to nitpick, but you certainly can assert copyright on a specific chart, regardless of the information it’s based on. Someone else is free to create their own chart based on the same data, but can’t literally copy and use someone else’s chart.

That’s about all the interest I have in this ridiculous drama. I just want to make shit (but not charts).

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You are correct. My only comment would be ‘why the hell would you even bring up copyrights?’ It’s just stupid and he’s grasping at straws. Now I am happy I didn’t friend him on Facebook. Why he even thought I would accept his request is beyond me. I have had no contact with him. Outside of maybe replying to a post or thread here on Talk.

Stranger danger comes to mind with this guy.