MAPP Gas Torch Use in Metal Shop?

I’m going to be welding a 1" round stock to an arch with a 1’ swing over 10’. I’m planning on using some jigging and clamping techniques as I weld it up, but if that becomes a pain in the arse, then I’m planning on just heating up the 1" round and bend to arch sign and weld as I go.

Seems like I heard we could bring in our own gas torch for such things, but just wanting to make sure I’m thInking it would be copacetic? @dallasmagna @TBJK

MAPP torches are used in the shop and jewelry. As long as it is the handheld type cylinders you are OK. Take with you when you or donate to committee and store in Yellow fire cabinet. @Raymond can he store it there or does it have to committee items only? I.e. no personal storage.

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You can use the roller that’s in there. It will give you an arc. No issues using a torch though. Just don’t forget to take it with you.

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Not a problem. Just do not leave gas in the building over night.

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Can the roller handle a 11’ x 1" mild steel round?

Committee storage only in the yellow cabinet.

Still looking for a decent, used yellow cabinet for personal storage and we need to work through the details on how we’re going to recoup disposal fees on items left abandoned. I need to bring Luke up to speed on that when he gets ratified as chair.

It should. You will likely have to weigh the base down since it isn’t bolted down.

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This conversation feels familiar, somehow…


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Haha - I want to make sure I could use a torch in Metal…as far as trchnique to accomplish, that will be the ride! :nerd_face:

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just make sure you share.
I like to learn from other peoples’ mistakes…
(as if THAT ever happens! but I still love it when other people share what they’ve learned/accomplished.)


Will do!! - I’ll take pics…

I fail much more than I succeed…it’s the only way to learn how succeed and be very productive!.

Lesson learned in my dating days…I always knew it was about numbers until I figured it out.:thinking: It was a mathematical equation of how many No’s I needed before I got to a Yes…Lol. I was felt sorry for the No’s, they missed out…haha. :sunglasses:

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on a related side note, as long as your dont leave the gas can on or let it be reptured by an extremely heavy machine, these things are nearly impossible to accidentally blow up. its hard even to do it intentionally.
Thought this info might help.

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The induction heater will turn a 1" steel rod white hot in 15 seconds. We are doing a train the trainer class tonight (full), so there should be classes available shortly.


Just remember kids, just because the cannister is “empty”, there’s still some gas in there.

Water flush before you make it into BBQer. :wink: