Looks like its time to polish a few threads up from VECTOR into a full on class. @Team_VCC has been in touch with @Shawn_Christian and @Team_Vector to collaborate on a few classes.
In our first round; We’ll be making a full size cabinet to be hosted in the Interactive Computer Museum which runs RetroPI. Why have a full size cabinet in VCC’s ICM? Because after getting a donation of a vintage 19" server computer case that can support multiple motherboards. Rackie McRack will be hosting several retro boards, (some in customized cases, some in drop in configurations) and we’re able to install a kvm switch which the Mame Cab will interface with.
In round two we’ll wire up the DIY USB Arcade kit and a hidden keyboard then setup the RetroPI.
In round three we’ll build custom cases for several retro boards to swap in and out of Rackie McRack and the KVM.
Think of it this way
if you know what these images mean then that’s the inspiration:
Custom vinyls
Yes, we’ll have custom vinyls