MakerMade Gift Exchange December 17th 7pm

Hey everyone, During the Machine Shop meeting, I mentioned us having a MakerMade Gift Exchange after our Machine Shop meeting. All are welcome to join us. Please bring something that you made to exchange. Please don’t just grab some piece of junk from the freebie shelf.

We will be having this in the Lecture Hall at 7pm on December 17th


I’d like to remind everyone that tomorrow evening we are having this. Again please be mindful of others, Im pretty sure nobody wants brake rotors from a 1991 Ford Ranger from the freebie shelf.

Unless said brake rotor has a Chevy 350 crankshaft welded to it in an upright position with three mounting tabs on the top and a very nice black walnut cookie mounted to it that’s been sanded down and coated with polyurethane for an end table…

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