A smaller group of us made our way over to Cali this weekend for the Bay Area makerfaire. It was great fun. On this thread I thought it would be good to discuss ideas and things presented that we saw. @themitch22 has a solid story to share.
Lasercut (thicker) paper & copper passed thru a rolling mill. Simple awesome idea right.
I guess I had a thing for laser cut gizmos this weekend. These two stood out for me. I’m sure I’ll dabble with them soon.
We can do that here, Coul helped me with the laser part of this several weeks ago
I would love to get more folks interested in doinbg thisn
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Would you recommend others make the trek? Is the time and cost worth the expense? I’m considering a future event since I used to live in the Bay Area.
I’m an unfair person to ask. Adventures and experiences over stuff - so the answer to going somewhere and doing something interesting is always always always yes.
Next year i’m planning on adding a couple more days to the trek, just so i can get more experiences out there. Recommend it, personally
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I’ve done everything there is to do out in the Bay Area. I was speaking specifically about the cost and value of Makerfaire alone. 
It’s worth it for me, that’s the only way I think I can answer that.
It’s a $40 ticket $30 for Friday or $10 if you’re a teacher
I can usually find a ticket to San Fran or Oakland (if I hunt) for under $200 I wasn’t that lucky this year because I needed to adhere to a strict schedule for my son.
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