Makercrawl #3: Texas Scottish rite hospital for children & cidercade

Scottish Rite is near and dear to my heart and very very very cool on the line of makery. We will be getting a behinds the scenes tour of the working bits of the hospital. They mold and create prosthetics, use 3D scanning and printing technology to implement procedures for children, and have a full functioning machine shop to custom make all make and manner of bits for needs. I was able to tour the facility with my students last semester and it was astounding - seriously (feel free to search my post about it).

Still waiting to hear back about Brookhaven. The trip will be limited to 18 participants (21 people total with Jayson, my son, and I included) any number above that doesn’t respect the timeframe and abilities for tours of the hospital. No van this time around unless we can find someone else to rent it (I’ll have my son with me so I’ll need to checkout early at Cidercade)

Many thanks to Jayson aka @engpin for helping organize the behinds the scenes tour at the hospital.
Makermeetup at cidercade after (separate event for everyone and anyone)

Date and signups announced as soon as I hear from Brookhaven or one other place but it’s going to be a Saturday in late August.


Pushing this back up. I have 10 more spots free for a small maker-centered adventure on Saturday

Looking forward to this and really appreciate you both for setting it up.

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It really is an awesome place with amazing things happening within it’s walls.