Maker moving sale

I’m getting married and moving in, so I need to cull the herd of toys that are following me around… Lots of woodworking stuff, and a few other goodies as well. All include their plastic totes. All has to go, make an offer…

Up first is a box of exotic and figured woods: Asking $65

Includes some bolivian rosewood, a few slices of curly maple, walnut burl, curly mahogany, paduk, figured myrtle, and some half-finished curly maple jewelry boxes.

Next up is the miscellaneous turning box: Asking $10.
Includes some half finished bowls, clamps for making segmented rings, and some random stuff that I once had a project for but got side-tracked and never finished.

Next up is a pen turning kit: Asking $250.
Includes 14 types of pen bushings, most of the required drill bits, ~10 shave brush heads and pre-cut mahogany handles, a pen mandrel, spare pen tubes for making your own pen designs, 12 pen blanks, 3 completely brand new pen kits, two started but never finished (I don’t have a problem…) pen kits, CA glue, 1 completely new and one mostly new sanding paper pack, finishing compounds and polishing papers for plastics, wire burners, and a bag of cut offs of other pen projects that I hoped to one day give life as a franken-project of some sort.

Next on the chopping block is a bin of large wood off cuts: asking $50 for the bin and $70 for the large chunk of mahogany.
Includes a bunch of walnut, purpleheart, maple, and mahogany cut-offs. The large chunk of mahogany is 12/4, 8.25" wide, 52" long.

Next a CNC router bit: asking $30
Misenheimer 110-1680. Pretty much the deepest bit you can use on our table. Bought it new for $85, used for one project.

Next is some metal turning stock: asking $150
12" of 1.5" round of 416 and 303 (may be 304?), 24" 1.375" round 6061, 22" 1.25" round 6061

Some carbon fiber golf clubs: Asking $5
Meant for a series of larping swords that never materialized. Carbon shafts like these are the golden goose for sword making.

That’s everything I’ve found so far… I’ll add anything I’ve missed later


Congrats on tying the knot! (Throw me right under the bus @Diplomat) One of my friends is big into pen making, so I may be interested in that. If you don’t mind it going to another maker who is not a member.

Not at all! As long as it’s in the hands of a maker and not the trash-man I’m happy.

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding!

Friends response was “yeah I just got married and my wife would kill me if I spent more money on pens…I like living”. Thanks for posting this though, wish I could afford any of this.

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What are you looking at? Anything we can make a deal on?

I’m interested in the metal stock, but I’m still wondering whether I need it and if I can get something closer to what I need for cheaper from the metal places around. If no-one else bids on it I’ll PM you in the next few days.

Sorry I should have bolded can’t afford it, there’s nothing I could make a fair offer on. Too many expenses ATM and not enough cash, thanks for the offer and if I think of anyone else I’ll shoot you a message with their number.

I found a few other things!

Rockler Bluetooth speaker project. Just never got around to it. $15

Box of wood finishing supplies. $100
Includes Sanding papers, steel wool, synthetic steel wool, flocking gun with 4 colors of flocking that never got used, a bunch of chip brushes foam brushes and fine paint brushes, a variety of lacquer spray cans, arm-r-seal satin and semi gloss, painters tape, wipe on poly, tung oil, acetone, shellac, a couple kinds of glues and epoxies and epoxy dies, and a variety of non-linting rags and cotton rags, and a bunch of other stuff… look at the pics.

A brand new box of plaster of paris. CA want this for free? @Kriskat30

1x30 harbor freight sander with a bunch of belts. Used once. $10 or if metal shop wants it for knife-smithing classes I’ll donate it. @LukeStrickland

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That plaster of Paris, is that something fired arts could use in mold making? @Team_Fired_Arts

Regular plaster of Paris works with pottery just fine. It’s not as durable as hydrocal, but free is free! Lol


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Or maybe plaster of Paris for @Team_Jewelry

Ooo, thanks for the heads up!

FA is currently neck deep in a big mold project (1k+ already existing molds) that unless someone pops up with a specific idea, we’ll let another committee that can use it more immediately take dibs. Thanks again for the alert.

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I’ll take the 1x30 sander if no one has yet claimed it.

Nope. It’s yours. I can bring it up today or next week if you’d like.

I will be there tonight at 7:30 for a class. will you be around in the evening?

Anyone in @Team_Woodshop or @talkers (sorry John you’re the only one I could think to tag) think the box of wood finishing stuff is something the turning sig or woodshop in general would want to pick up? Have no clue what the inventory is like at DMS

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you beat me to it.:blankspace:

Those penturning and shave brushes were tempting too, but I already have a bunch of those and I couldn’t risk a savage mocking from the Mrs. if my turning stash exceeds her yarn stash.


Sorry, been out of pocket for a few days. YES! I can always use plaster of Paris if it is still available.