Hey everyone, I know this isn’t exactly the forum but wasn’t sure what category to post… I currently live in SouthWest Fort Worth and due to the long commute I hardly ever end up heading home in time to make public transport. It’s been exhausting the past few weeks.
I’d like to ask if anyone has any extra room they’d be willing to rent out? Near the space would be awesome but by public transport is fine to.
I am a minimalist and have spent the past 5 years traveling so I don’t have many belongings… I don’t need anything long term, it would just be nice to have a safe place to sleep closer to this side of town for a month while I figure out where I want to move.
I’d greatly appreciate any offers or recommendations, I’m always at the space so if you’d like to ask me anything feel free!
Thanks guys, I absolutely love all of you guys and the DMS.
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