Wish I could go but my weekend is stacked and packed.
If you’re going post some pictures!
Tickets are cheap, weather is beautiful, kolaches are hot (and slightly underbaked if you ask me), and makery is in the air.
Get to going!
Wish I could go but my weekend is stacked and packed.
If you’re going post some pictures!
Tickets are cheap, weather is beautiful, kolaches are hot (and slightly underbaked if you ask me), and makery is in the air.
Get to going!
Why do we not have a booth there?
Slightly underbaked is EXACTLY how I like my kolaches.
You’re a monster!!!
…he’s a Baker
well ok…I reserve judgement on his monsterness until I can taste an example of the perfect kolache…in blueberry.
We are not real likely to draw a large crowd from Austin. There would be some non-insignificant costs, including travel expenses, probably borne by the volunteering individuals, as well as the Makerfaire’s charges themselves (likely to be borne by DMS).
In general I do think that it would be a good event for us to participate in. I was personally unaware that it was happening.
This would be a good thing to post somewhere or at least keep an eye on.
Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Kansas… Denton and Ft. Worth have also hosted Mini-maker faires.
It might/would be interesting to collaborate and make a “maker-related” calendar and map - it could see this work both in digital format and also a physical display. So many things are happening in the maker world it’s hard to keep a gauge on things. I would lend my efforts to this.
Locally and nationally things are happening at the speed of light so it’s nice to have a reminder of things every once and awhile.
I’m sure you could reach out to https://www.nomcon.org for some help in gathering data and information on this also a local resource would be https://dallasinnovates.com I’m sure we could find a thousand more resources like this once we start scratching.
Heres a links to a page I’ve put together for maker crawls (next one is in the works already)
Dallas Maker-related
And somewhere in my google drive I have an extensive list of makerspaces around the US for a meet up I did in Cali last year - I don’t see it right this very second.
As a side note, I will go ahead and volunteer my efforts to go to all the maker faire outside the US for DMS - just please provide a business expense account with business airfare purchasing options (mamas got hips ya know) also included upgrading my passport pages. Don’t worry, I’ll post lots of pictures.
I need some excellent onion rings, so I’ll pop down to Austin on Saturday and snap a few videos.