Make and Take Classes

Although the primary area being discussed is Wood Shop, this might apply to other committees.

Wood shop is pursuing entry level kit projects. Some of them would not require the use of power tools, or wood shop basics as a prerequisite. This would allow members to bring friends along and share the DMS experience with them. Think of Saturday morning at Home Depot, just swap the hordes of children dragging their parents to the back of the store, with adults. We also plan on having more advanced kits as time passes. Not everyone wants to purchase all the sundries required in order to make a small project. Next year during the holidays is when it should be really active.

We are soft opening Wood Shop Thursdays tomorrow night. We will decide on a playful moniker shortly. This is where members get together and work on current projects or discuss things that might be helpful, such as what wood to use, or learn about tools and how to use them, or where to purchase materials. basically this will be Wood Shop Club night.

The question is regarding the worst day / night to hold the kit classes. We will be using Thursday as a time for people to finish up their kits from previous “Make and Take” classes. We are striving not to leave anyone behind that wasn’t able to finish during the class.

Thank you taking the time to add your thoughts. Please feel free to comment below the poll. All idea are valued and will be given consideration.

Worst kit class night:

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

0 voters


Good idea. Also, just a thought/reminder: if Thursday p.m.s are set aside for (non-alliterative) Woodchuck Thursdays, it’s probably important these events are placed on the calendar and have “woodshop tools” blocked off so no classes can inadvertently be scheduled over them.


It isn’t meant to close the shop down, but more of a social and help time. Do we still have classes that can shut down the wood shop? I have spoken to @TSki about this regarding his Thursday basics class and he is supportive. But thanks for the input, I’m sure I will be missing all kinds of edge cases that are obvious to others.

Good idea on the name:
Club Woodchuck - But I would hate for people to think membership is required to attend:)

Another cool idea from @Photomancer is to have badges for when a member actually masters a tool. This would be when they know what all the do-dads do and can demonstrate mastery of all the machines do-dads. This along with a how to teach class could possibly allow them to teach the machine mastery classes. I expect if someone has gained their badge for the cross-cut sled they won’t be destroying it and be on the watch for others that might by accident.

If if has gold around the edge it means you’re a Mentor for that tool and can be asked questions.

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Tim B has been scheduling a Tool Time on Thursdays recently - Would it make sense to do Woodchuck Wednesdays or similar to allow interested member/nonmember groups to experience both?


It might even be a good idea DMS wide and shift Tout Night back to a week night. Having members at the Space doing things would be most impressive.

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How much wood is one allowed to chuck? Give or take.

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Even if a class isn’t planned to interfere, often there will be members using a tool for an extended period of time right when you want to use it for the ‘make and take’ events. Better to post a notice online on TALK, and via a formal DMS Event entry. Heck, I’d also post paper flyers around the Woodshop 7-14 days in advance of any ‘make and take’ events, just to be sure other Woodshop users are aware that their access to one or more Woodshop tools may be limited during these ‘DMS Woodshop promotion’ events.


I suspect many newcomers know they want to do SOMETHING creatively; but have no idea of what the possibilities are and what tools are even available at DMS. The Space can be overwhelming and getting started difficult. Others will have a project in mind but little idea how to bring it to fruition.
I like the chucking of wood idea proposed and will participate in whatever the venue evolves into and am available most anytime.
ALSO: I am a fan of DEMONSTRATIONS, possibly with an active hand in it-not just passively watching. Seeing what a tool, such as Shapeoko, biscuit cutter, lathe, etcetera, can do, might provide some focus and get the creative wheels spinning enough to inspire them to take the training.