Make a wooden spoon or spatula with zero electrons

Any interest in making a wooden spoon or spatula for the kitchen with only hand tools?

A simple maker project that will emphasize using traditional hand tools such as the spokeshaves, chisels, hand saws, bit and brace, as well as card scrapers and rasps to make a common kitchen utensil.


I would be interested

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I want to see a spoon made with nothing but neutrons.


I would be interested!

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I want to see a spoon made with nothing but neutrons.

There will be no charge for that…


For the free neutron the decay energy for this process (based on the masses of the neutron, proton, and electron) is 0.782343 MeV… If we could harness this decay energy sufficiently we just might be able to do it on the Multicam?


I’d bet electron free products are regulated so heavily that’s why you don’t see anyone doing it.


I’d be interested!

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I’d be interested!

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Sign me up!!!

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I’ll get a class up in the next two weeks or so. Probably on a Saturday or Sunday… noonish to early afternoon.


Cool! I’d definitely be interested. Thanks Paul!


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I’m interested as well.

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I’m interested in learning.

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I would be interested. Thanks Paul!

That sounds like fun!

Hi, Just set up the class for 6/18 @ 11:00. It should be on the calendar in a few days. I’ve capped it at 4 people with a 3 hour class as it is the first time I’ve done this. Hope to see you there!


I hope your able to put on more classes! (Can’t make the 18th but will definitely look forward to the next one)

There will be - This is one to figure out the best way to teach it.

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11:00 am or pm :eyes: