So in the light of the Committee meetings, I want to be sure the committee gets what it needs even between meetings.
If we need something, Please post it in this thread or send a message to @Team_Machine_Shop.
As per the committee meeting Saturday, we will be replacing our incorrect lathe tooling. I believe Calvin(maybe with a K?) brought this to my attention.
We will be also sourcing common sized drill bits for replacement of the stock that is currently depleting.
Was mentioned in the meeting but not something we decided to procure, because people didn’t realize what I meant.
The large diameter tapered drill bit for boring bars is missing from the lathe. A cursory search after the meeting did not find it. A full ransack of the cabinet behind the bridgeport was postponed due to a class taking place, but last I had looked it was not in there but could have wandered back.
I want to say it was a 5/8" drill bit that fit in that tailstock, as it would allow for a 1/2" boring bar.
Yep, I meant to look for it later that afternoon/evening too but got side tracked.
This was a larger sized drill bit that was on the blue cart. We hope it just got misplaced. It had a Morse Taper 2 (I think the tail stock its MT2), It was in a white plastic sleeve. Walter Anderson gave us this bit. It’s not a bit that can be used in a normal drill bit.