Machine Shop Maintenance day Oct 23rd

Hello all,
We will be having a maintenance day for Machine Shop on October 23rd starting at 1pm until 5pm.

It is important to note that Machine Shop will be closed during this time. The only machinery that will be allowed to operate is in support of this effort of maintenance.

If you are interested in helping/ watching/encouraging/naysaying…. Wait if your naysaying, stay away. Otherwise feel free to join us.

I will be providing food for those whom want to help. No it wont be Beef Wellington & caviar.

Please feel free to join us, no experience is needed just have a will to learn.


I’d like to remind everyone that the Machine Shop will be closed to non-committee maintenance items. Signs have been placed around the space, some purposely not square/straight.

Can we please pin this until Saturday?


All the signs say 10/24. Which is it? If it’s the 23rd, I’ll mark up the signs.

Damn it…23rd. Guess I was more focused on the month this time.

Thank you Chris

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