Machine Shop July Committee Meeting

Reminder that the Machine Shop Committee meeting is This Sunday in the Lecture Hall at 7pm. We will also be doing maintenance/cleanup in the hours before. We slated it starting a 5pm. I plan on being there before hand. If you want to be involved in Machine Shop come by. You dont have to be a machinist.

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Thanks to all of those that came to the meeting & to the Maintenance day. We did get somethings done, But as usual never enough time.

@nicksilva, The Mitutoyo 12” calipers that were broken have been fixed but yours truly. I also noticed that someone put some 12” calipers back into the HAAS box shorty before I left, However I didn’t get a chance to look at them.

As mentioned in a previous thread, the Lathe power feed has been fixed.

The Bridgeport Power Feed will be completed soon as well, We need to do a few minor things before its used.

Things have been re-arranged & space is being more efficiently used.


great job. it was so sad to see those in a broken state.
I guess we CAN have nice things - so long as you fix the. :grinning:

Thanks to everyone who came and helped out.

Welcome, Steven and Rati.