Machine Shop Meeting, January 11, 2018
Chair Nick Silva absent due to work, David Kessinger acting chair.
Members present: Good turnout considering weather. 13 members present, 5 noobs (3mo< @DMS). Many new faces we spent 30 minutes introducing ourselves so a long meeting 70 minutes. Discussed how to become more involved in DMS.
Financial: Approximately $11,000+ per QBO. I believe this high. QBO shows committees have $187K. I believe we are safely around $8,500
Agenda Items:
1. Classes: Not a casual plea for people to volunteer, Acting Chair shamelessly harassed/ proposed classes for almost everyone based on what skill they said they had got some volunteers, maybe some Day Maker classes. Several people with extensive machining/tooling manufacturing background. 3 people tested out after meeting, 2 on Lathe, 1 Bridgeport
A. Volunteers for classes this month:
i. David Kessinger: 1 Bridgeport, 1 Sherline Mill, 1 Train the Trainer for Bridgeport and Sherline Mill, 1 Lathe Class
ii. Phelps: a class early in February
iii. Andrew Bitter – Tool & Die
iv. Bob Karnaugh – Lathe
v. One more, didn’t get name
B. Order: 2 of 3 shipments, just waiting on Bandsaw blades. Items suggested by committee members to add to our list:
i. Priority: Haas Tool changer parts and Release Tool Button & Cable assembly for Haas
- Discussed how we will probably sell Haas when we move for a new fully-loaded Tormach w/tilting 4th axis
ii. Vacuum table for Haas, great for thin material.
iii. DRO’s for lathe a priority
iv. Look at Sherline lathe, DRO wonky on one axis, intermittent error.
2. Bridgeport: We need a volunteer to install the Z-axis DRO we purchased.
a. Tim Bene to lead effort.
3. Chair: Nick is on a night job now and unable to dedicate much time to DMS. Likely to continue on a permanent basis. Time to consider if someone wants to take over the remainder of the term (2 months) and perhaps continue as chair for next year. Nick really can’t do it justice right now. If there are no volunteers I will certainly continue until March albeit in absentia.
a. Group favors Nick stay leader, when he can’t be present often one of us will step forward for that night.
b. Will need to be discussed more fully at next meeting because next Chair elections in March or April.
4. CNC Sherline: Discuss what needs to be done and actions
a. Jay Phelps to take lead. Suggested we not acquire a Sherline CNC Mill until this CNC is up and running. Group agreed.
5. Short Topics for meetings. Some possibles:
a. Intro to GD&T Concepts – Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerances
b. Measuring Techniques and common mistakes
c. Project Material Selection & Cutters
d. Heat Treatment
6. Went out to shop, showed folks around, tested some out on machines. Demo’d Cold Cut Saw.
Good meeting and glad to see new faces becoming involved.