Our monthly committee meeting is in just over a week on the 28th at 5pm in the Lecture Hall.
Please join us if you are interested in Machine Shop, Come meet your fellow members. Again you do not need to be a Machinist to be a member of the Machine Shop Committee.
We will discuss the past month of what has been done & what still needs to be done.
We will go over our normal consumables.
Discuss any new business.
We also will discuss an expansion workday.
Have a project you want to show off? Have an issue with a machining process that you are unsure how to make it? Come to the meeting and discuss it.
The drill press chuck, I would like it to be rebuilt. I believe we should make a fixture to hold the chuck to split them. The chuck new is about 500$. I feel that the chuck is sticking due to the ball bearings potentially falling apart in the chuck. I attempted to last night but without the fixture.
This video seems to be a decent reference. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=So21EPtIyVY
The two fixtures would be very straight forward on the HAAS. Would someone certified on the HAAS be willing to help with the gcode and oversee the operation. I can’t imagine it would take more than 30 mins…
I quickly put together the two models in Fusion360. Modeled with 1/2in plate but could be adjusted if needed… Both are downloadable.
probably could but my take is the fixture would provide greater holding strength around the entire circumference as a collet would do and would reduce/eliminate the possibility of slipping. And the fixture around the top would probably bite into the knurling since it’s made from aluminum. @tbjk Did you try holding just the base without a fixture?
So I attempted to gingerly remove it with the knurled portion in the vise & pair of slip groove pliers with tape on the teeth to keep damaging it. I did not put much effort into it. I do feel that the fixtures would do a better job of holding & keeping it from marring it.
I did think of another simple action that needs to be done relatively soon that’s easy. The PIG SIG Equipment needs to be tagged.
Almost forgot, We will also discuss Novembers meeting since it is on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, if we go by the 4th Saturday we have been using. I don’t particularly have an issue with it, I wanted other committee members to weigh in.
so far, the Saturday after Thanksgiving is the proposed date for the Maker Made Fair. If it happens just be aware you might get bumped for the lecture hall.
First I would like to thank those new members for coming by & joining the meeting as well as the regularly active committee members.
Drill- bits are getting lacking- will order
Bridgeport light needs to be looked at. The head is apparently loose.
We discussed the progress on the HAAS.
Discussed the Expansion workday that we need to do.
discussion of the Kurt Vise. 6X-
Problem is the current HAAS Vise is in bad shape. The general consensous is that we do not want to put a brand new vise in the HAAS only to have the same thing happen again to the vise. The next best thing is to move the Bridgeport vise into the HAAS since the Bridgeport gets more use to justify it. In addition the 6X has spots for locating pins to make it easier to set the vise back up.
In attendance for the vote was
Jeff Ray
Luke Andras
Matt Hawes
Matthew (didn’t get the last name)
Mike Glass
Charles Proctor
Ben Laures
Myself (Tim Bene)
The vote was to replace the Bridgeport vise with a Kurt 6X. The exsisting Bridgeport vice will move to the HAAS for its replacement. Cost Max 700.
All for.
No abstain, no opposed
Additionally the November meeting will be on the 4th Saturday as normal.
let me know if/when this happens, The library tool offsets are based of the old vise, so there may be a slight adjustment necessary when the vise is swapped. I’ll be happy to make those adjustments.
So I bought the Machine Shop a drill/tap set. The set has sized drills for the taps.
In addition to that the old teacher set of drill bits are now for general use. The former teacher set has been replaced with a new set. This is for Teacher/maintenance use to keep our equipment running.
There’s the Brown Kennedy Tool box on top of the cabinet. I’d like to suggest that all teacher’s tools and repair tools and small repair parts be kept in this tool box and it kept inside the teacher’s cabinet.
This will have all the tools together, we can have an inventory list so we know what should be there and needs to be replaced. Plus makes it easy to find everything and take the tools to the class or to the machine needing repair.