Machine shop Committee Meeting 3-25-18 Minutes

This was as I remembered & as I took notes. If anyone sees any corrections please let me know.

Meeting commenced at 4:06 (16:06)

In attendance:
Nick Silva
Tim Bene
Richard Meyer
Art Givens
Chris Wischkowsky
Kaveh Mansoor
Scott Westerman
Raymond Jett
Mike Glass
Bob Karnaugh
Chris Marlow
Patrick Callahen (not in attendance at vote of chair)

Old business

CNC Lathe improvements Motion controls put to vote, passed up to 800$ to buildout.

Updating HAAS tool holders, Rich & Nick

DRO Colchester Lathe, Needs researching

New business

Elect chair. Nick Silvia not running again

Chris Wischkowsky Volunteers for chair

Chris Wischkowsky unanimously voted chair.

Tim Bene (Myself) retain as vice-chair.

Possibly replace the Lathe… mention of pretty bad wear on our existing lathe. Further proved after the meeting.

Look at maybe add additional Bridgeport.

Maintenance teams for the machine shop tools.

Future correlation of Machine & Metal Shop.

Pantograph getting rid of, to post to Craigslist for 1 month then get rid of it.

Kiosk, talk of getting. To adding to the revenue stream

Bins for broken tooling.

Training required on Sherline lathe. Discussion of removal of the requirements if classes are not held on a regular basis. Chris Marlow said she had been waiting to see for folks to ask before posting a class. Future MOODLE Maybe?

Dismissed 5:34 (17:34)