I’ve scheduled the monthly meeting for 2/4/18 at 4pm. sorry, but that’s when I’m available. we need to talk and understand the rule changes that govern committees. We fall mostly in line but some additions such as a vice-chair will be needed moving forward. Speaking of which, our bi-annual elections are coming up fast so time to start thinking of who will take over.
I will be there. I can understand the time available. I worked 40 hrs of overtime last week and 16 so far this week.
this is me no longer complaining about my measly 17 hours OT.
Get some rest!
In terms of Machine Shop, the new committee rules will have no real impact on us. We are doing everything listed except the appoint a Vice Chair(s). We were one of several committees used to model the rules after. But I’d be happy to cover this so put me down for that agenda item.
- New Committee rules explained: David Kessinger
Another Agenda item, just have formally in minutes as we do this at meetings
- Create lists of committee approved Purchases for any one item over $500 and post to wiki
- Chair to appoint Vice Chair (I’m willing to be Chair Emeritus). This will help us support new chair (or continue to support existing chair … if we are lucky)
Other items folks want on agenda? A couple:
- Go over donations Walter gave to Machine Shop
- Suggested small tool purchases $500< members would like
I figured we were mostly in line with the guidelines. We’re only a couple of months away from an election cycle so now is a good time to line up some candidates for chair and vice-chair so they can be confirmed at the appropriate BoD meeting.
The ‘lists’ of items to order generally posted and added to on the Talk forum seemed to have worked well this year and should continue as we don’t often get all the items during the meetings.
Vice chair is appointed by the chair, not elected. But people can express interest.
sounds like a punishment. hmmm, who to target? who. to. target?
all kidding aside. If you have an interest in either, let us know at the next meeting or just PM or just shout it out to the world. cheers!
Apologizes to football fans. Seems the meeting is scheduled for the same day as the SuperBowl. Game starts at 5:30 CDT which really means about 6. Don’t worry, we’ll get you out in time to get home and see the game.