Don’t forget the MS committee meeting is Thursday 09/14 at 7pm.
Believe it or not we’re already 6 months into the election cycle. that means it’s time for the board to reaffirm the chairs for another 6 months. I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll continue as chair, So anyone wanting the job should step up or send a proxie.
we’ll go over the state of the machine shop, plans for open house, how to spice up the committee meetings, moving stuff to moodle so we can revamp how people get authorization to use the machines. And of course anything else that’s on your minds.
no probably not going to happen. I’ll explain at the meeting.
Only election to the BoD is an acceptable excuse. Maybe you stay on as a figure head and we have a Junta run it.
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Just a reminder that the meeting is this Thursday at 7 in the purple classroom.
As an extra topic for the meeting, please take a look at our Wiki page and bring any suggestions for changes/additions with you. Machine Shop
Are we only having one meeting now?
at present yes. we originally went to two nights because the machine shop was in chaos after our former chair left. after @Photomancer took over, we completely reorganized and moved back to a committee driven structure. Things have stabilized ever since - even as David have moved to serve on the BoD. Things have continued stable for my last 6 months so I proposed we go back to once a month (August meeting minutes). There were no objections and we have made it so. It is on Thursday this month but I would really prefer the on Weds. so that I am free during tour night.
I agree, one night works now, I’d vary it between two different days so folks that can make it one night can make the other.
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