I got a nephew the even smaller micro, but i wanted to play with one myself so i now have a m3d micro+
tiny thing, no software in the box, hopefully it works alright.
if i need to make anything substantial, i will use my larger printer, I hope that maintenence scales with the printer, and this little thing with its 4.5 * 4.5 * 3.5 inch build space wont eat itself and catch fire as my large one is prone to do.
I have no real 3d printing expectations with it, it is just a toy so far as that goes, but I need a 3d plotter, something I can stick a sharpie into to write onto credit card sized usb storage, only one of us at the office has decent handwriting to make it readable. I want to work out how to use this, it would be very good for that.
I have calibrated it and it is printing a thingiverse single piece spool clip. it was kinda messy for 4 layers, but now its better than my xyz ever could do… its half the speed, that could be why.
slow… glacial. it seems you can do very little maintenence on them. nothing but the belts are accessible, and the head which is enclosed in a case. they do, how ever offer free shipping if maintenance is required, and they are in north america.
I like it… i needed a light use printer that was hopefully maintenance free. it has been so far, my last xyz jammed in a week and required a blow torch to clear it.
the sliser that is made for it is adequate has most of the popular fill patterns and does a very good vase. I haven’t tried simplify 3d with it yet, it may print better than the supplied software (which you have to download, cheapskates)
is i worth $250?.. is a mac worth $2000?.. we many never know. I am satisfied that i bought it.