If there’s something you want shoot me an ask and we can figure out a fair price.
Please feel free to message me,
there is no such thing as a stupid question.
Lets talk via PM
@denzuko Can do, Shoot me a message.
Are these still available? What is the most recent year on these? Can they run the latest OSx?
I might be interested in the price is right.
Apple dropped support for PowerPC processors around a decade ago (OS X Leopard). No current software will run on these. Linux might but any other computer made in the last decade would be a better option. A Raspberry Pi 3 B+ for $35 would likely outperform these machines.
Doing something like this is the only reasonable use case for these machines IMO. Then loading it up as a Hackintosh.
That is brilliant if you have the time.
I was thinking something like that. Except for the last part.
powerpc macs are good for three things,
- cheep iOS (aqua and Cocao) development
- running puppy Linux
- running aros, beos, or haiku os.
in this case if there’s a decent one that can be put back to shape then it’s going to run HaikuOS