Lots of free items for DMS Machine Shop available tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday 10/09/2018

I am Bruce, the guy with the yellow “Bruce” shirt.

I work at CommScope, Inc., in Richardson. I love it almost as much as DMS.

We are shutting down our other Richardson site on Lookout & Plano and dumping INTO THE GARBAGE tons of end mills and other stuff Machine Shop could use.

Tomorrow afternoon around 3 pm, if Nick Silva or Bob K or Tim or Ethan or another Machine Shop person I know could meet me there, I will rent a small truck from U-Haul to get what loot we can for DMS.

I don’t answer phone calls but if you match the above criteria and want to help me load a truck at the time specified above, please text me at 512.658.3597.



I’ll be there to help you load up.


Hopefully I can find time.


Do you have the address? I’m only finding the one on telecom Dr, is that it ?

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It looks like Google Maps already forgot this CommScope location, so let’s meet at the bar inside Whole Foods Market on 1411 E Renner Rd, Richardson, TX 75082 between 3 pm and 3:15 pm today.

I will have my yellow shirt on.

It’s not that much stuff so I only need one extra person to help with a couple of large brakes which won’t fit into my Honda Accord. If more than one shows up that’s fine, and you will probably enjoy seeing all the machine shop stuff.


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Unfortunately, I cannot get away from work. Gather up what you can and we’ll sort it out at the space. cheers!

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Ah ok over by utd and woodcraft, I don’t have a truck but my hatchback can hold way more than it looks, I’d need to take some stuff out first