On Friday and again on Sunday I noted that the Mitutoyo 6" calipers donated by Walter, and about the best we had, was missing in action. I looked all around in futility for them. The case was not missing so I am thinking that it is just misplaced some where in the DMS outside of the MS, rather than stolen.
I saw that about a 16th of an inch of the tip of the Sherline live bearing had broken off. I wasn’t using it, but it was left out and I thought that I should return to the Sherline tool storage when cleaning up. It managed to roll off the table on me and I thought to inspect it after picking it up off the floor as hardened steel tips can be very brittle. That is when I noticed the chip. Sorry about that. I have noticed lately a trend toward leaving stuff out after usage.
Regarding the bent parallel, I don’t know anything about how that happened, but I will likely be in tomorrow and perhaps can bend its companion to the same radius to make it a matched set again.
Any how, I hope we can can find the missing calipers, that Walter had so graciously donated. Its case is looking so sad due to the seeming abandonment by its soulmate.