I am looking to make a limited production high temperature grommet. I was wondering If you could advise me If where to make it myself how much fo you think it would cost me.
How high is “high”?
The answer depends on this a lot.
Just guessing, high-temp would need to be silicone, and that’ll mean casting silicone grommet(s).
The Smooth-on “ask me anything” might be a good place to ask about materials the like.
I have no idea how much such a thing would cost, but I know economies of scale are important when working with such small amounts of material. The components needed for the mold-making and casting process will cost much much less per-item when dozens are being made - obviously, the up-front cost will be higher. If you have need for making other items out of the same component materials, that can help aggregate the apparent cost per item made. (Long way of saying “buying the materials to cast silicone isn’t cheap, but gets cheaper per unit in larger quantities. That’s only helpful if the materials can contribute to getting something useful out of it rather than sitting on a shelf”).
What are the dimensions and temperature requirements ? I can point you in the right direction .
The pass through grommet are 35mm and 45mm. I was looking to get this made for an electric enclosure in a hot elevator shaft or factory. I was thinking the was a local company, that could take the cad design, make high temperature? vulcanized rubber?
High temperture is 85C or 170F but long term? I was shown that pla warps at 105f and abs degrades? I dont know about nylon.
Here’s a good link about 3D filaments that may work. The last sounds interesting - a Hydrophobic Nylon Carbon Fiber improved heat resistance, abrasion resistance of carbon fiber, and the ease of printing closer to PETG than nylon.
I would probably use PETG or TPU but if you want to use silicone you might could look into resin printing an injection mold to cast RTV.