Looking for Tour/FOB!

Hi! I just joined DMS and am looking for someone to help me with access to the building and setting up a FOB. I am available anytime today (Friday 18th) and tomorrow (Saturday 19th).

Thank you!

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I’m going to let this one ride. I’m here for a bit, but I’ve got stuff I have to do. Then I’m not back until about 9pm. Tomorrow I’m mostly here taking/giving classes. One of our other folks will probably chime in soon-ish. I could be available after 6 pm tomorrow, but someone else may be here sooner than that.


Katerina, I can get you setup after lunch saturday or if you happen to see this and are close by I’m here till about 4.

I meant here till about 5pm friday

Thanks Randy! Tomorrow after lunch works great

Will 1 work?

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Yep that works =)