Looking for magnetic wiring connections similar to LittleBits

Does anybody if I can purchase magnetic wire connections similar to the concept of LittleBits? Does anybody know what my Google search terms might be?

I’m looking to embed a sensor in a shirt and have a detachable board snap on and off of the sensor when washing is required.

Any help greatly appreciated!!

I assumed there are three parts: the magnets, the contacts, a plastic case. Are you saying they are using an integrated component?

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Well, I’m asking if there’s a commercial source for an integrated component comprising a magnet, contacts, and casing. Said component being easy to solder to a wire.

Ah. So only resembling littleBits in that they both make use of magnets.

magnetic breakaway connector


You mean magnetic jumpers? I have a set of those.

Pretty close but a little on the heavy duty side for what I’m looking for. They should also be designed to snap into each other to form the connection.

I seem to recall Tanner had something like that at the back of the store, but that was some time ago.

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