Looking for CRT terminal

I am looking for a CRT terminal, preferably DEC vt100, VT200.

Here is the lowest price working one I found on ebay.

From places I have worked, those were getting to be really scarce at least a decade ago. I hope you find someone still removing them, or who has decided they no longer want to keep the one they salvaged 15 years ago.

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School or library auctions might be another good source.

Once, a long time ago, I had a wild hair to drive an IBM 3270 terminal with a micro. I had my chance to get one (a color one, even) and passed it up. :frowning:

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Walter – ever thought about building one from scratch with an existing tube?

If you are game, this might be a neat future project. I’d like to build a CGA monitor from scratch for another project. Might be able to share notes.


Interesting idea… and I am tempted, but I suspect even a $500 VT160 would be a cheaper approach for me. Since I would not be simply replicating a monitor but also the excellent keyboard that was used on the DEC terminals. I would likely need to use Cherry mechanical key switches, which would add $100-$150 to the cost of the terminal…

But I am open to discussing it.

If you don’t mind my asking, what are you interested in the CGA monitor for?

It’s a sekret! (Ask me in person sometime…)

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If you find more than one of these for a reasonable price, please let me know. Actually I would prefer a Lier Sigler ADM3A or Televideo 910, so let me know if you come across one of those.
I would like a real terminal to use with my Godbout CP/M system with 8" floppies.

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The keyboard you can buy from Unicomp, I believe.

Nope, Unicomp will not work. The keyboards used in terminals like the VT 100 used a parallel ascii interface.

While such keyboards were once common, they are really rare today.

I wish I had known about two months ago. Sent about half a dozen older terminals to the recycler during an office closing project. I kept one nice working Wyse terminal for myself but the others were piled up in the PBX phone switch room.

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Never … throw … anything … away. :slight_smile:

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I have this recurring nightmare, where I wake up, walk in the door to work, and everyone is using CGA monitors again.


It could be worse, your boss wants some formatted tables, charts, you need to import from other documents and add hyperlinks … but all you have is WordStar 3.3! :wink:

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Not a problem if you use TEX, which produces better, more flexible published documents, and allows you to separate publishing from word processing…

I have quite a few DEC and other terminals. Most all the non DEC will emulate DEC. You can have the pick of the litter for free. My shop is a few blocks from Makerspace . I was hopping to find a good home for some of my collection.

I think Walter and I would be very interested to stopping by your shop. :wink:

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