With about 10 days to leakycon im in need of a deatheater mask. I’m wondering if anyone has a cast/mold for a resin mask, or some tips on making one from a base mask.
I’d like it to not be a thin Halloween plastic something. I’ve considered 3d printing but I’m not sure there’s time. Give me some ideas please!
Vacuum form a basic mask shape multiple times then do a shadow box type build with different details on each layer, paint and add foam for comfort? Wet form some thick vegtan to a mannequin face then go to town with your steampunk and electroetching boss skillz on copper plates? I dunno I just wanted one of my comments to be on topic
At least you weren’t dealing with the Mouse…well not yet anyway. I can still see this being a sitcom sketch where a bunch of incontinence support groups show up and are terribly confused.
That would be great! If you’re offer is still good would you put it in my bin in the galley? Webdevel with a green cthulhu on it, usually it’s on the front shelf over by the drink fridge near the bottom.
Update on the mask
I found a great STL for a deatheater mask but alas with a 32 hour print time, it’s not going to happen before this weekend. So I made a leather half skull mask instead à la Goblet of Fire. Wet formed using my resin skull coin bank.