Looking for a contact- look here

This has been a small project of mine in prep for the October 20th meeting of the new chairs and vice chairs. The design is (seriously) FAR from perfect but it’s a start. Hopefully its a valuable physical resource for everyone inside of DMS looking to connect with others. I printed several last night with two errors (now corrected on this copy).

If you want to help re-or-better design this please let me know.
If you see errors please let me know.
If you have cookies please share.

DMS Trifold Chairs VChairs.pdf (1.9 MB)

Related to this file:


It’s nice! As a quick note, the name ARmature Radio should probably be Amateur Radio.


I’m a sculpture teacher…can you tell?

Lots of errors sorry. Thanks for your eyes.


Ok I corrected it. I’ll post the super super version of it after I get back.

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I’m still waiting on the Board to confirm some of the new chair-elect nominees, and then I will add those updates to the wiki list of current chairs.

Many thanks to Axey for creating the wiki page.

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So what’s up with the “meet-up” groups, and “seeking leadership”??

meet-ups -
Things that happen around DMS but aren’t SIG’s or groups so much
Seeking leadership I couldn’t find a person listed

So you are not speaking about the meetups.com web site in general.

@dave Dave Fenyes organizes the quarterly retrocomputing gatherings.

The monthly Anime club meetings are hosted by Tim “Capt” Black, and it’s the SDF3WA Anime Club run by Joe Carr (who isn’t a member).

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Ok I’ll add them!

do you have an email for them?

Maybe… These are not young people. They may actually… call each other…


Did I happen to mention that Committees is spelled wrong on all the pages (needs two E’s)? You may have fixed that by now.

Also, is Brian Terry still vice-chair of Science? He’s not on your list but I don’t know if that’s because of a change or an omission. Thanks.

I asked Josh and he said he didn’t have a vice. I’ll change it.

He may not. The wiki is the old info and your info is more current. I guess Brian must have departed the pattern. I’ll change mine.

Newly updated version with some added names
Chairs.pdf (1.9 MB)

Link to spreadsheet (has lots of info on it - I haven’t updated the dates)

I still am unaware of a contact for (tagging people who might know)
Science vice-chair @Josh_Melnick
Motorsports vice-chair @dallasmagna
Robot builders night out contact @frank_lima
Knife making contact @brsims @EthanWestern
Dallas Area Robotic Combat (again Frank you might know)
Robotics Interest contact ??
(do I have all the robot groups wrong?? So many of them)
Amateur Radio contact @artg_dms

Awesome, I like having a contact list.
I don’t think there is a leader of the knife making SIG? No one really wanted to lead it at the one meeting they had.

Thanks, I know it can be formatted better but it’s a start. I felt it was something that was missing from the space so I decided to start putting it together.

Do you think I should remove it? Its something cool - but if its not happening its not happening