Looking for a Air Dryer for a compressor. Any good sources?

Hey guys and gals,

I’m looking for a used Refrigerated Air dryer for my compressor at the shop. We started doing some soda blasting and my air supply is running damp enough to clump the media and cause clogging. I’m hoping to spend less than $250 if that is possible. @TBJK I know you found one of these for DMS any others you know of?

Thanks everyone for the help.


I think for only $250 you are only going to find a chemical dryer. Most refridgerated units are $500+.

Cheapest I found was:



https://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200659953_200659953 $579


I’m hoping to find a used one.

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Patience is the key!
They often pop on ebay, craigslist and various local auctions

I’ll keep an eye out for them


Thank you, I’ll keep looking as well.

That’s what I’d say, keep an eye out for them. I got two from my neighbor and one from work over the years.

would you benefit from a large compressed air receiver?

No thanks,
I have a large enough tank for my needs.